Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 13, 2016

ok so the o is sticky on this keyboard so again, bear with me. Lets get all the strange expieiences and crazy things out of the way at first. First off my good friend Jared always says "Peanut butter, Finish" because i have a huge jar of peanut butter that i got from sister Bird which she got from costco. One day jared told me he ate it all so after that he would always say that, and then one daoy he was with us and we were teaching fany and jocelyn and jocelyn asked what peanut butter was so then jared said "Cream de noot" thats what it sounded like he said when he was trying to say cream de nut i just thought that was an expieience i had to share. 

So my crazy first event that happened was after sacrament meeting was over we walked out to outside and there was this dude juist knocked out sitting down against the wall... My companion and one of the counselors of the bishopric took the initiative to wake him up. When he woke up his eyes were so yellow and you could tell he was pretty drunk. We got him up and walked him outside of the church area and asked where he lived and he didnt say much. Then he kept shaking our hands and asking us what our names are haha. He then started to cry and said he wanted to pray but he couldnt and my companion tried to offer to teach him in his home but he just wouldnt say yes or tell us where he lived. We got him walking and he only would talk to me because im white hahaha and so in his drunken english he kept asking me what my name was and why i liked life haha. We turned two corners and told him we were going to leave. he asked if i could stay with him but my companion said i had to go with him... sadly.... hahaha so we took a different way back to the church to confuse this drunken man but when we got back to the church he was sitting on the church steps. hahaha so basically the drunken man made his back drunk to the church. a miracle really. We then called for backup from sanders and diego and they came and he kept telling us and showing us his six six six tattoo and his torres tattoo because that was his name. He kept saying six six six number of the beast and then would say it again in spanish hahah. Then we decided to walk him a lot farther away and then drop him off. The whole way there he would only talk to me and elder sanders and try to talk in english. he kept telling us he respected us and then would swear at us and then tell us he respected us again which was a little strange but oh well. We dropped him off pretty far from the church and then that was it. if you have any questions let me know it was a great expieience.

We had a baptism!! Fany and Jocelyn got baptized which was great! I baptized jocelyn and my comp baptized fany! i will attach pictures. Jocelyn is the shorter one. 

We had a zone conference that lasted about 7 hours with the president but it was good and i enjoyed it and we got hot dogs and COSTCO MUFFINS it was a dream come true. 

I came across a scripture in Timothy chapter 4 verse 7 that i belive says "I have fought a good fight, i have finished my course, i have kept the faith" dont quote me on that because not 100 percent sure thats word for word but pretty sure haha I think its really the goal for our lives and when it comes to judgement day we should be proud to say that we have kept the faith and did what was commanded of us. I invite all to really strive to magnify your callings and magnify your lives in helping others and bringing others to the Gospel because it is the only way to true joy and happiness. Love you all and hope everyone has a great week!

also a picture with Jared and Pelon, pelon is wearing the sandals

Joselyn, Fany, Elder Passey and Elder Carceres

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