What.. four days later?
It has not been that long since my last letter. A whole four days of normality and missionary work and not a whole lot of things to really report. I would like to first specify I actually do not eat beans EVERY day. I do eat them a lot and therefore the song is engraved? (cant spell) on my soul. If you were all wondering what I do eat besides beans (which i know you are all dying to know) here is what we had in the last four days.
Spaghetti (different from America, Somtimes better) with mashed potatoe and fried fish. For dessert that day we had bananas with cream which is truly amazing i think it is just bananaas and that sweet milk cream stuff but who knows it was delicious.
The next day we had BEANS!, RICE, AND MEAT ON A BONE!! (no idea what meat it is i think its chicken never really too sure.
Sunday we had like a salad kindof thing with noodles, tomato and cut up hotdog which had an interesting sauce so its not just beans and rice every day but a lot of days it is.
Being in Mexico you have many exieriences and soem can be good and some can be bad. This particular one that I am going to share is just purly horryfying (cant spell, thanks spanish) Entonces... A long time ago in a galaxy far far away me and my companion were back at the apartment after a days work and I came across a cockroach... I deccided i was tired o killing these massive creatures with creature spray they gave us a the beggining of this two year adventure. I decided to attempt to use a screw driver but obviously cockroaches are somewhat intelligent and it started to run across the whoel as i chased it down with y screwdriver in hand. (i realize now this shoudve been recorded because it was nothing short of hilarious. As i was in pursuit Th cockroach decided today would be a good day to start flying. Now to this day i am not sure if all cockroaches can fly or not but this did. As i ran the other way in horror I grabbed the kiling spray and succeeded in my quest to stop the cockroach and to this day it is still dead on our floor. The End.
I came across a scipture in Doctrine and Covenants 122:7 which says
7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into thehands of murderers, and the sentence of death passedupon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowingsurge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thineenemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all theelements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, ifthe very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide afterthee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall givethee experience, and shall be for thy good.
That really hit me and as i thought about it really realized the trials I have and the diffiulty I have and the difficulties my investigators have is all for their own good and that God has a plan for us and no matter what really happens or what we go through something good come out of it wether that be blessings or just learning something or maybe learning something and helping someone with that same situation or trial later, so dont get down yourslef and know that everything is for the good no matter how bad!
I love you all and hope you all know that God loves you infinitely and that whatever trial you encounter that you can go to your Heavenly Father in prayer and ask for that help you need. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings hapiness and it is the greates knowledge and the happiest knowledge we have. Love you all!
Elder Passey
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