Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Apri 1, 2016

This week has gone great i still love it here. also still feel i don't speak spanish but heyyyy its okay!!! Crazy fun week and so awesome though. Yesterday the elders in my district gave my teacher Hermano Ortiz a blessing and that was so awesome!! He is my favorite teacher here and helps all of us whenever we need it!! 

A couple cool things that happened or crazy things was we were sitting in class and all of a sudden i hear this loud buzzing above my head! i look up and a huge black something was flying towards me! i got out of my chair so fast and ran across the room!! the teacher asked what happened and we told her there was a huge bug and i said it was directimente arriba de mi cabeza. hahahah that means directly over my head. Also in joseph smiths first vision! that we have to memorize so everyone thought that was pretty funny. 

also we got new elders in our apartment! one of them is serving in salt lake city west, which i think i live in that mission not really sure. Maybe someone can tell me if i do or not so i can let him know!! We teach other members in our district and they are portraying roles of an investigator that they know!! Its so awesome and helps a lot!! my last lesson was really good and felt the spirit so much just have to work on speaking spanish for all of it! hahah So pumped for conference tomorrow and to hear all the talks!!! Also thank you mom and dad for the package !!! Loved IT!!!  love you all!! the church is true!!!  

Elder Passey at the CCM

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