Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 6, 2016

AYE everyone this weeks has been nothing short of well, good! We are going to have a baptism for sure on saturday for Fany and Jocelyn I will send a picture next week when it happens! They are two of my favorite investigators! 
So here in Monterrey in the streets where some of the sewers are they randomly spew out sewage into the streets.... just randomly on a random day not really important if it rained or not it just happens. Literally... its disgusting.... pure sewage... alrighttt on to better things! 

So my companion got his last and final wisdom tooth out but really didnt stop him from working hard though or eat normal food.... which could be bad in the wrong run because of infection and sadness but hey he isnt dead yet! We also had intercambios with the zone leaders. I went with Elder Azuara and he doesnt speak english so the day was a little long and hard to communicate but hey it was fun we had a lot of contacts and lessons on peoples front porch basically! Still working hard and its going good! The pictures are of a couple new ties i bought and a hat i got for really cheap andddd me and elder diego with a giant pizza! Love you all!

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