Thursday, May 5, 2016

April 18, 2016

Here in Monterrey you are always wet! All the time! In the apartment you are wet because its so humid and hot. In the shower you are wet because water is on you, outside you are wet because its so hot and humid!! haha oh well i love it so far! The beginning was a little tough i must admit! It was new and a little hard getting used to but after the week i am just loving it even though i still cant speak spanish! 

My new companion is the coolest guy ever!! He is from Panama and he barely speaks english but thats fine we can communicate all day without much trouble! Its funny sometimes he makes me tell stories in spanish to him to practice! Its somewhat entertaining! The people here are so awesome and i love them all!! we have taught about seven lessons and so we are doing alright. We are both new to the area so we are both getting used to where everything is. My companion only has four months left which is crazy but he is training me well!! 

The food here is just always beans, rice, and some other meat or noodles or potatoes, but always beans and rice! oh and tortillas!! always tortillas!! We had tortillas the other day called tortillas de harena!! they are the best tortillas ever and that was the best meal i have had!! it was a burrito with potatoes and carrots and just everything tasty!! so good!! 

I really am loving Monterrey so far and there has been only once or twice where i am sad or down! Also Alaska doesn't have lighting which i thought was strange haha that was random but thats okay!! I know the Book of Mormon is true and i read and love the teachings of it every time i study!! Read that book! The best Book you can read!! Love you all!! I will attach pictures and what not!!

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