Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 23, 2016

hey everyone im sure you are all so excited to hear from me on this wonderful monday. so a couple things to start off is that I found out that Jacob 1:19 is giant planch (roast, burn) for missionaries haha everyone go read it and then think about missionary service! Its a good one! 

Me and my dad (my companion) had to go to a meeting because its the end of six weeks and because im new we had to go to this meeting and practice teaching and contacting and we watched these videos about missionary work and the atonement in the field and stuff they were amazing videos! I met a kid who has six months like elder sanders and his spanish is pretty good but he told me that his spanish was way worse then mine when he had six weeks so that gave me more hope that i am learning at a normal or faster pace haha. 

Time flys here in Mexico i cant believe its been six weeks since i got here.... crazy... WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON SUNDAYYYY yeeeee im so excited for that! I get to baptize her too! I get to do it in spanish too because its Mexico and they speak spanish here just in case you all forgot! Hopefully she doesn't back out the day before like she did a few months ago but i have faith and she is definitely ready! I realized faith is such a huge part in this gospel and with faith all things are possible and with strong faith comes a strong testimony and many many miracles! Love it here I hope everyone is doing well!

Elder Passey


a soccer game in the rain
E Diego, Jared (Member) , me, E Sanders, My Comp

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