Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 23, 2016

hey everyone im sure you are all so excited to hear from me on this wonderful monday. so a couple things to start off is that I found out that Jacob 1:19 is giant planch (roast, burn) for missionaries haha everyone go read it and then think about missionary service! Its a good one! 

Me and my dad (my companion) had to go to a meeting because its the end of six weeks and because im new we had to go to this meeting and practice teaching and contacting and we watched these videos about missionary work and the atonement in the field and stuff they were amazing videos! I met a kid who has six months like elder sanders and his spanish is pretty good but he told me that his spanish was way worse then mine when he had six weeks so that gave me more hope that i am learning at a normal or faster pace haha. 

Time flys here in Mexico i cant believe its been six weeks since i got here.... crazy... WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON SUNDAYYYY yeeeee im so excited for that! I get to baptize her too! I get to do it in spanish too because its Mexico and they speak spanish here just in case you all forgot! Hopefully she doesn't back out the day before like she did a few months ago but i have faith and she is definitely ready! I realized faith is such a huge part in this gospel and with faith all things are possible and with strong faith comes a strong testimony and many many miracles! Love it here I hope everyone is doing well!

Elder Passey


a soccer game in the rain
E Diego, Jared (Member) , me, E Sanders, My Comp
May 18, 2016

You are all CHAMPIONS!!! 

This last week has been the greatest!! Yesterday we had inttercambios and i was with Elder Sanders and it was the best thing in todo el mundo!!! We spoke so much english hahah but it was good because we shared so many great stories and it was the best!! we only got one hour of sleep but it was fun! Having Elder Sanders here is the greatest!! 
     So a couple days ago we were teaching a family and the daughter was saying the closing prayer then mid prayer her mother basically takes over and finshes the prayer... my reaction was what just happened.... haha they are recent converts and it was just a weird expierience! 
    The tv remotes here i found out have a futbol button!! whattttttt where is our football button... haha shows the dedication these people have to soccer for sure!
    Another thing was on sunday after all of the jóvenes (Young kids) went to a camp the whole sacrament was just for all of them to bear testimony about there spiritual expierience at camp!! haha it was kinda weird because we dont do that in our ward. We would get up to the pulpit and be like .... uhhh well we played a lot of capture the flag and mission.... it was a good time.... amen. hahaha 
   So my companion got one of his wisdom teeth out and so i had to teach the whole plan of salvation to two of our investigators!! so hard!!! so fun!!!! haha and then that same sunday we played a lot of chess after church because he couldnt work out in the sun according to the doctor, it is straight sketchy how they remove the teeth here, the doctor basically numbed it up with that red nummy (yes thats a word) stuff and then im pretty sure cut around the tooth, then basically got a screw driver and started to screwdriver his tooth and it looked painful then he just ripped it out pretty much and said you are good to go!! oh the medical care is amazing here!!! right now in chess its tied four to four....... i know cameron, i am dissappointed too... he ios so good at chess though... haha its fun i enjoy the challenge!!
     A couple funny things my companion says and it probably wont be as funny over email but oh well im telling you all anyway!! he says "Prepare your mind" he said that one night before we went to sleep because the next day he said we were going to contact EVERYONE!! haha it was funny. Another thing during chess he slapped me on my knee and said "whaaaaaaat you dont respect me?" hahahahahha no idea why he said that but it was awesome!! 
     Mexico is the greatest! we went to the Temple today and it was the bombbbbbb it was so good!!! The monterrey temple is incredible!!!!!!! Glad we had the oppurtunity to go it was amazing!! 

    Well hope for whoever reads this laughs at least a little bit and maybe sheds a tear or two of pure joy! love you all! (even you who read that and thinks i dont, i really do)

Elder Passey

1st trip to the Monterrey Mexico temple

Elder Passey with Pres and Sis Bird

Elder Passey and Elder Carceres with Pres and Sis Bird


Monterrey temple

Temple grounds

May 9, 2016

HAHA everyoneeeeeee helloooooo i dont even know what to say i talked to my family yesterday on skype which was the coolest thing ever and so i dont know what to write in here haha... well the mission is the coolest thing ever. The members and investigators and people here the coolest in the world!! The mission has seriously been the greatest decision of my life and I am not even three months in!! So stoked for all the time i have to learn spanish and change the lives of many people! this week was awesome and we keep working hard! My companion will probably get his wisdom teeth out on saturday so he told me i have to teach all the lessons for a couple days because he wont be able to talk hahah welp here i go haha it will be great i cant wait for the adventure!! love you all and sorry this email wasn't full of a lot! if you have any questions or comments or good old Bromas (jokes) then lets hear them!! 

Elder Passey



 dog that always barks at us every time we go to a house. every time. 

The big mountain here that is pretty awesome!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 2, 2016

sooooo the other elders got robbed..... There money, speakers, ipods, everything of value really got robbed.... That is a huge bummer. Our house is more secure so dont worry mom! haha but seriously it was a sad day for all of us. 
ANYWAY in Mexico they set up tents on either side of a big road and sell all sorts of fun stuff. Its called a marcada?? i dont know how to spell it! but its pretty cool when you see one and walk through people set up basically stores in a matter of thirty minutes its pretty crazy! 
A really funny thing happened also, this investigator asked me if i was a clean American, i didn't understand what she said so elder sanders translated and what it means is that both my parents are American. So yes i told her i was a clean American hahah. 
On thursday my companion who is our district leader decided to have exchanges. I went with elder Diego who speaks a bout less english then i speak spanish so it wasn't easy going about the day but i managed to have a good time andenjy myself so that was a great experience!! 
I also shared my testimony with the ward on sunday so that was pretty cool. i said (soy de Utah, La fabrica de los misioneros) they all laughed!! What i said for those who dont speak spanish wich i believe is most of you! Including me! i said I am from Utah the factory of missionaries!! here in Mexico they laugh at any and every joke i learned! It has rained a bit today and is really cool and weird. A little like utah one day its 1000 degrees and the next its a cool 75. I am enjoying myself and love Mexico and my companion!! Love you all!! 

Elder Passey

April 25, 2016

Everyone, I finished the Book of Mormon today of when i started it in the MTC! I cant tell you how much joy that book brings. I know you need to continue to read it over and over again and study its words and that makes me happy too! 

Now here are a bunch of random thoughts and things that happened over the past week. The days go by really fast and its really crazy and cool at the same time. I still barely catch the subject of what people are saying. It isnt easy thats for sure! I probably see over 80 stray dogs per day!! They are literally everywhere. In america they chase you and try to eat you but here, they just wonder around. Well most of the time. One time a dog attacked this guys leg that just before had walked past me and Elder Carceres! Just a testimony to me that the lord really does protect his missionaries! 

One of the great foods here are called compachanas, or however you spell it haha but its filled with cheese and pig meat and you put salsa and stuff on it and its MUY RICO! (delicious) Here in Mexico we also have 3 liter soda which is pretty awesome! So huge! The streets here have names like mexicanos, cubanos, panamenos, chelinenos! All the streets! One funny thing that happened was in the MTC our teacher told us catholic people will repeat our prayers in the field. We all thought that that was weird and wouldnt happen. Well it happened to my companion which was pretty funny! he was used to it though Also everyone here has a picture of the last supper in there house which is pretty funny haha all the converts do anyway!! We had our first angry man yelling at us mean things and stuff about <Donald Trump that i didnt understand haha. Also here in mexico people drive around trucks playing loud music and voices like an ice cream man except they sell bread not ice cream. Who wants bread???? 

Everyone, ALWAYS be grateful for what you have because its a lot more then the people have here so be grateful for everything! also one of the things i really enjoy here is talking with member kids! its so fun when they come with us to teach and i try to talk to them and they try to talk to me in english!! haha its a blast!! Well I hope everyone is doing good! I sure am! Love you all!!

Elder Passey

Throwback to the MTC

Where I live

our breakfast in the mañana provided my companion the chef
April 18, 2016

Here in Monterrey you are always wet! All the time! In the apartment you are wet because its so humid and hot. In the shower you are wet because water is on you, outside you are wet because its so hot and humid!! haha oh well i love it so far! The beginning was a little tough i must admit! It was new and a little hard getting used to but after the week i am just loving it even though i still cant speak spanish! 

My new companion is the coolest guy ever!! He is from Panama and he barely speaks english but thats fine we can communicate all day without much trouble! Its funny sometimes he makes me tell stories in spanish to him to practice! Its somewhat entertaining! The people here are so awesome and i love them all!! we have taught about seven lessons and so we are doing alright. We are both new to the area so we are both getting used to where everything is. My companion only has four months left which is crazy but he is training me well!! 

The food here is just always beans, rice, and some other meat or noodles or potatoes, but always beans and rice! oh and tortillas!! always tortillas!! We had tortillas the other day called tortillas de harena!! they are the best tortillas ever and that was the best meal i have had!! it was a burrito with potatoes and carrots and just everything tasty!! so good!! 

I really am loving Monterrey so far and there has been only once or twice where i am sad or down! Also Alaska doesn't have lighting which i thought was strange haha that was random but thats okay!! I know the Book of Mormon is true and i read and love the teachings of it every time i study!! Read that book! The best Book you can read!! Love you all!! I will attach pictures and what not!!