Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 9, 2016

HAHA everyoneeeeeee helloooooo i dont even know what to say i talked to my family yesterday on skype which was the coolest thing ever and so i dont know what to write in here haha... well the mission is the coolest thing ever. The members and investigators and people here the coolest in the world!! The mission has seriously been the greatest decision of my life and I am not even three months in!! So stoked for all the time i have to learn spanish and change the lives of many people! this week was awesome and we keep working hard! My companion will probably get his wisdom teeth out on saturday so he told me i have to teach all the lessons for a couple days because he wont be able to talk hahah welp here i go haha it will be great i cant wait for the adventure!! love you all and sorry this email wasn't full of a lot! if you have any questions or comments or good old Bromas (jokes) then lets hear them!! 

Elder Passey



 dog that always barks at us every time we go to a house. every time. 

The big mountain here that is pretty awesome!

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