Thursday, May 5, 2016

April 25, 2016

Everyone, I finished the Book of Mormon today of when i started it in the MTC! I cant tell you how much joy that book brings. I know you need to continue to read it over and over again and study its words and that makes me happy too! 

Now here are a bunch of random thoughts and things that happened over the past week. The days go by really fast and its really crazy and cool at the same time. I still barely catch the subject of what people are saying. It isnt easy thats for sure! I probably see over 80 stray dogs per day!! They are literally everywhere. In america they chase you and try to eat you but here, they just wonder around. Well most of the time. One time a dog attacked this guys leg that just before had walked past me and Elder Carceres! Just a testimony to me that the lord really does protect his missionaries! 

One of the great foods here are called compachanas, or however you spell it haha but its filled with cheese and pig meat and you put salsa and stuff on it and its MUY RICO! (delicious) Here in Mexico we also have 3 liter soda which is pretty awesome! So huge! The streets here have names like mexicanos, cubanos, panamenos, chelinenos! All the streets! One funny thing that happened was in the MTC our teacher told us catholic people will repeat our prayers in the field. We all thought that that was weird and wouldnt happen. Well it happened to my companion which was pretty funny! he was used to it though Also everyone here has a picture of the last supper in there house which is pretty funny haha all the converts do anyway!! We had our first angry man yelling at us mean things and stuff about <Donald Trump that i didnt understand haha. Also here in mexico people drive around trucks playing loud music and voices like an ice cream man except they sell bread not ice cream. Who wants bread???? 

Everyone, ALWAYS be grateful for what you have because its a lot more then the people have here so be grateful for everything! also one of the things i really enjoy here is talking with member kids! its so fun when they come with us to teach and i try to talk to them and they try to talk to me in english!! haha its a blast!! Well I hope everyone is doing good! I sure am! Love you all!!

Elder Passey

Throwback to the MTC

Where I live

our breakfast in the maƱana provided my companion the chef

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