Monday, August 15, 2016

July 11, 2016

Hi everyone, Elder Passey here. Really I would like to make these as entertaining as possible but im drawing a blank here. This week was pretty sweet nothing to complain about and nothing super amazing. The struggle here is the commitment that people have to attend church which is very little for most. The big downers are when your recent converts dont attend church like what is that all about right! ahh the struggle of the mission really. The canicula is going to start the 14 or 15 of this month, really not ready for that type of heat. The sad thing is that it never cools down here, its like 11 o clock and its 95 degrees outside hahaha its hilarious sometimes how hot it is but mostly just sad. We ran into a drunk guy again and was talking about the bible and asking us how to change his life, then the best part was when he shook?? is that how to spell that word? no idea spanish has ruined my spelling. but anyway when he shook my hand he looked at my companion and said "He is new to the word of god" and my companion responded "How do you know that?" and the drunken man said "By his hands" hahahaha it was really strange and hilarious because im new in the mission but not exactly to the word as he said ahah. I started reading Jesus The Christ and it is pretty much amazing i would encourage really anyone to read it i love it and am only on page 24. Thats about it that i can remember love you all!

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