Monday, August 15, 2016

July 4, 2016

Im done with my training everyone i know spanish perfectly and understand everything its amazing what training can do for you. If you believe i speak spanish and understand everything then you havent been reading my emails. This week has been pretty solid except for on sunday when investigators dont show up to church. Me and Elder Sanders matched on sunday because he has the same suit as i do and then we both were black skinny ties and it was hilarious! Transfers are here and Elder sanders is leaving the area which is sad because we are great fans but im sure i will see him later on in the mission! One pretty cool thing here in Mexico is that it is pretty much a requirement to own a huge speaker system because everyone is blasting music all the time. English music almost as much as spanish, I still dont like the spanish music but maybe one day, hopefully not though. 
    One really important thing i learned is that i am in Mexico.... nah not that im just in Mexico but im the happiest or close to it ive ever been here sharing the gospel and living it. Really its amazing even though i dont know whats going on all the time but sharing your testimony and helping people every day brings such great joy. The gospel of Jesus Christ is joy and happiness and i encourage all to participate fully in this happiness that im experiencing here in mexico. 
   I apologize for my grammar and spelling because spanish has ruined that part of me. Miss you all and cant wait to see you all again and share my experiences with you all but for now i will focus here. Love you all!

 Elder Passey 

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